Ingatlan ajánló

For sale in Dörgicse a panoramic estate

Kódszám: #I83


Város: Dörgicse

Alapterület: 166 m2
Telek terület: 10225 m2
Típus: estate with house and cellar
Épület szintjei: 2
Szoba: 2
Strandtól való távolság: 3minutes
Fűtés: tile stove
Tetőtér: built in
Kilátás: Panoramic
Parkolás: in the garage, in the yard
Pince: yes
Villany: 3*32A
Víz: tapwater
Öntözőrendszer: yes
Épült: 2004

For sale in Káli-mendence, in the Balaton Uplands National Park, a 2-storey house with a wine cellar with more than 1 hectare, piped drinking water and electricity.

The plot in the SE orientation HAS BEEN EXCLUDED FROM THE CULTURE BRANCH, therefore it does not need to be posted, it can be taken possession of immediately!

Its area is only 10,225 sqm, approx. 600 capital with cultivated vineyards, fruit trees and well-kept grassland.

The two-storey house has 2 separate entrances. The lower level has a kitchen, dining room, bathroom and room, while the upper level has a living room, bathroom, hall and room. The heating of the house is with a fireplace on the lower level and a tiled stove on the upper level.

The water operates in a unique way in the area, from a wired network. The roof of the house and the garden oven are thatched, the windows are made of wood. 3-phase, 3x25 amp power supply also allows a panoramic jacuzzi to be set up :) There is a garage on one side of the house and a wine cellar (approx. 35 sqm) on the other side.

Price: HUF 229 million

Kostyik Éva

Eva Kostyik
Contact: + 36-20 / 264-0777

Please contact me by phone or by filling out the form below!
